Thursday, December 3, 2009

We're the Young Ones.... (singing)

For those of you who know me from the "old" days I KNOW that you are laughing out loud right now, and can feel my EXCITMENT!!! Can you believe that such an event should be held here?! Can you believe that there is another soul out in the world (and here)who also has the DVD set?! I believe!

For all others who were not in my life 20 plus years ago The Young Ones was a British comedy sitcom from 1982/1983. A British comedy from which I can, even today recite each and every word..... BOMBS.


  1. I can't believe out of the things to show that they have this!!!!

  2. HA, I know. It seems that I am not the only clever trousers on station! Only 3 of us were there, the person showing the tapes, me, and someone who woke from a deep sleep from our laughs but left the room shortly after that. Very appropriate, perfect afternoon really.. except that it was my sleeping time.
